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April 9, 2002 Tuesday

Fitness Junkies

This is a fictitious mosaic of a conversation that happens all the time either in the gym or on the trails between fitness junkies:

TheLoneRider: I'm free on Saturday...want to ride the Don?
Pat: Saturday? Can't do it. I'm doing cardio at the gym. I'll just bonk on the ride. How about Sunday?

TheLoneRider: Love to, but I have yoga on Sunday.
Pat: Too the way, I'm doing the 25K endurance race at Kelso.

TheLoneRider: Get out! I'll be doing the Kelso race too.
Pat: Cool...I'll bring the enery bars.

Since I became a fitness junkie, perspective has changed dramatically. Whereas before, from the eyes of an outsider, I would see an attractive lady on the trails or in the gym and think to myself, "That babe is HOT". Now, I can look at that same lady with well toned physique, flexibility of a gymnast and the cardio of a cross-country skier and instead empathize on long devoted hours in the gym/trails, an iron-willed diet program, and the cardio perseverance going beyond the loneliness of a long distance runner. You can only respect that. I always get blown away by people who exemplify such lifestyle choice. These things come as a package. Not only do they workout the body, they also eat right and develop sound mind in the process....a precious gift anybody can give to oneself.


Reader Comments:

The importance of fitness in people's lives and the division we've created between mind and body is a significant issue.

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