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Pizza Party Thursday March 13, 2025 EDT 
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food odyssey

April 6, 2002 Saturday

Pizza Parteeee
(Angele, Amir, Dos Amigos crew)

Much of the day has been spent cleaning up the house and preparing stuff for the pizza party. I haven't hosted anything like this where guests bring their pizza topping and roll up their sleeves to make pizza on a pizza stone. The pizza is shared with everyone. Everybody gets a slice. The next guest makes another pizza and so on. It takes about 30 minutes for the next pizza to be ready so it was a fairly good pace. I hoped they find this whole thing amusing.

It's funny to think that what spawned this whole party thing was when the Dos Amigos crew (a merry band of ex-Chapters friends who like eating at the Dos Amigos restaurant) got together for dinner and found difficulty communicating with the other folks on the other side of the long table. I mentioned I have a round table at home that seats 8 and it would be groovy to carry a dinner chat while being able to see and talk to everybody.

Creative genius was displayed that night. Pizza with spinach and sauteed chicken breast on pesto sauce, pizza on smoked salmon with capers, goat cheese, artichokes, etc. As timing would have it, my freshly bottled (homemade) Pinot Chardonnay and India Pale Ale just made it for drinking that night...good stuff. Centre stage however went to and creamy Little Debbie's Devil Squares...all of $1.09 for the entire box.

More importantly, the event underscored good moments spent with good friends. Good stuff like that should happen more often.


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