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Water Bucket Riddle

Water Bucket Riddle

Oct 8, 2011
spotted at Dumaguete Public Market, Painitan Area - Negros Oriental

The Water Bucket
As I was enjoying my budbud and tablea chocolate drink at Dumaguete's Painitan, it started raining hard. Then a man put his water bucket beneath the downspout where accumulated rain water was gushing down. The bucket never filled up. Obviously, it had a big hole underneath. What the heck was he doing? It was a puzzle. Finally, I asked one of the Manangs. She gave me a logical answer.

Riddle Me This: Why did the man put his water bucket under the spout? I'll give the answer after getting 10 answers or after a week, whichever comes first.

--- TheLoneRider


These guys like this picture:

Micki Aranas
Micki Aranas
Alice Villa-Real
Alice Villa-Real


Aarone SunglaoAarone Sunglao
(Nov 15, 2011) To minimize the splash coming from the spout

Angel ProvidoAngel Provido
(Oct 13, 2011) to clean the bucket

Daphne Padriga-PadillaDaphne Padriga-Padilla
(Oct 8, 2011) minimize the splash?

Lisa LiLisa Li
(Oct 8, 2011) If it's the red bucket in the photo then it serves as a marker so people don't inadvertently get dripped on.

Ken WaughKen Waugh
(Oct 8, 2011) he was recycling the rain water...?

Enrique BendichoEnrique Bendicho
(Oct 8, 2011) It drops into the bucket and run out without splashing.

Rene AbesamisRene Abesamis
(Oct 8, 2011) he was washing the bucket.

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