Mar 25, 2011
Diving Dauin, Poblacion 1 Marine Sanctuary
Seeing Them Disappear Down Below Rene had 2 marine-bio friends flying in from Manila and Australia for some Coral Triangle R&R - Jonathan and Alette. Dive for the day was Dauin...and I was tagged along for the ride! With the 4 of us heading for the deep end, it was tempting to think...the 4 SeaHorsemen of Atlantis. But I knew it was more like the Fantastic Three and the Wannabe. As a snorkeller, I would dive with them until they get too deep with their air tanks. I'd watch them fade away until they disappear in the depths. The feeling of "bantay adobo" (kinda like benchwarmer) creeps in - alone again, naturally.

Titan the Terrible The dive was colder than usual with the visibility reduced. I saw a few huge Titan Triggerfish - scared the living daylights out of me. Although they didn't seem to be on a warpath, I stayed out of their orbit. I didn't see much although the guyz came back with great pics of what was on the deep end - a 30K grouper for one. Even with a rash guard, it got cold fast and I went back on dry land to hang.
Research or Dinner? It's funny. When marine biologists start talking about fish and using Latin names for it, you don't know if they're talking about dinner or research. Sometimes it's both - when the fish is done with its contribution to science, it's off the frying pan with it.
Ending Thoughts Sure, it was cold and the water was murky, but hey, when I climb a mountain, I get leeches, dead toe nails and rained on! It's all good. Better yet, I was with good people to make it all happen! Thank you Rene for tagging me along!
--- TheLoneRider
- take a tricycle and ask to be dropped-off the jeep terminal going to Dauin (the terminal is near Robinson's Place) - P8.
- at the terminal, board the next jeep for Zamboanguita or Siaton or Dauin. Just tell the driver to drop you off at Dauin's Poblacion District 1 Marine Sanctuary. P15, 40 minutes.
- upon disembarking at the highway (almost immediately after Dauin's Poblacion), walk towards the beach...5 mins.
- pay P50 (snorkeling, all day) or P150/scuba dive to the caretaker and dive!
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