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mountain biking

on top of Kiltepan TowerMay 5, 2005 Thursday

The Cordillera on a Mountain Bike - Day 7: Sagada

Riding Again
Since I crashed 3 days ago in Mayoyao, I'd been unable to ride my bike. I needed to recover. Now, I'm back. I missed riding. Mounting my bike, I went off to explore the Kiltepan Tower. On the way, I passed by Mapia-aw Inn. Its wood paneled walls gave it a cozy charm. It had ample rooms but its main drawback is its proximity from the town. Further out, I saw this curious sign for the Rock Inn. I followed it and saw a sizable building that looked perched on a rock. It was new with presentable appointments. They only opened last October. No wonder they're not even listed in any of the travel books. It is further away from town. I wonder if they have shuttle service for its clients.

Kiltepan Tower
The ride to Kiltepan was short and steep. I made a few stops to find my bearing. There were forks with no signs. I finally reached the top. It's an abandoned structure. Even the tower is gone. Its beauty however, lies in the majectic view it provided to the villages below. Again, it was one of those moments you just want to stay there and remain mesmerized by the scenery. Not surprisingly, the downhill ride was another treat. Coming from an injury, I held back a bit.

On the way back, I passed by a cool looking art/music place - Sanctuary. I met the owner and resident artist, Toks. He has been around spreading his artistic craft in Palawan and now here. His original hand-painted shirts are something. There's live music Saturdays and Sundays.

Danom Lake
Later in the afternoon, I made the uphill ride to Danom Lake to meet up with the rest of the guys. We'd been bonding well the last couple of days. Danom Lake wasn't really a lake. Its an oversized pond with cows using it as watering hole. The cows could be menacing. They seem half wild. The prize for going to the lake is the ride back...pure downhill run along rocky and winding roads...yes!

--- TheLoneRider

Day: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Baguio | MTB Race

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