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morningApril 30, 2005 Saturday

The Cordillera - Day 2: Banaue

Morning Has Broken
Waking up to this spectacular view of the village below made me just want to sit there and chill. Nothing else seemed so urgent enough for me to leave and miss this thing out. I'd take my sketch book, draw, and immerse myself to the scenery. The mountain air was clean and fresh. It was a cleansing process just staying there.

Top of the World
A highlight for the day was the jeepney ride to Banaue... on the rooftop. Feeling the wind in your face was much like a downhill run. Which side of the jeep? It was a choice. On the mountain side, I could jump to the slope in case the jeep falls off the ravine. However, I had to be vigilant about the tree branches hitting my face. On the ravine side, the view was spectacular but I go down with the jeep if it should fall off. Trust me, it's not uncommon (just a few days after, a Byron Bus going to Baguio fell off the ravine and killed over 30 people).

The festivities were in full swing upon arrival at Banaue. The townsfolk showed up in swelling numbers. Males and females from different villages competed in various cultural events - wrestling, scooter races, arm wrestling, wood carving, weaving, rope pulling, etc.

There was something unusual there though. Everybody was chewing beetle nut and splitting out this red slime. The entire plaza ground was red with spit. I had a few close calls when they would just indiscriminately spit on the side. I was keeping my space, but I found the whole thing amusing.

--- TheLoneRider

Day: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Baguio | MTB Race

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