Monday January 20, 2025 EST | |
a nomad in search of... | |
May 4, 2004 Tuesday Astral projectionWhile sleeping, I had a sleep paralysis...a trigger for out-of-body experience. I was well aware of this, considering my dismal failures in the past. For the first time, I felt myself hovering close to the ceiling. But it was pitch black. I couldn't see anything. I spun myself like a top and seemed to be unable to leave the room. I then gradually returned back to my body and continued my sleep. I didn't bother to wake up. However, the experience was still vivid even in the morning when I woke up. As vivid as it was, I could not ascertain if it was indeed an out of body experience or just a dream. I'll never know unless I have means to measure it my usual deck of cards that I can use for verification. This is a good sign. The last sleep paralysis I had, I struggled hard to separate but could not. The intense struggle was what woke me up. I woke up at 2pm, obviously still having a 6-hour jet lag. The body felt different. I didn't even bother leaving the hotel room. I just finished my cv , resume and the blurb for the LoneRider posting. I've decided to just be lazy this day. I was invited to join Ginny, Kishore and Eibe for dinner at this Chinese restaurant. Eibe was buying. It was a pleasant conversation touching off on human rights, art and global affairs. According to Ginny, they represent (together with Joe and Milune), the hardcore group of the committee. The rest are just space fillers. Returning back to the hotel after dinner, Ginny and I talked again about stuff...anting-anting, love of country (which I still find abstract), etc. It's close to 3am again and it's time to go to sleep. --- TheLoneRider Comments?
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