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lucid thoughts

January 9, 2003 Thursday

Hurting for Connection

The past several days had me consumed by workouts, French lessons, mutual fund course study, site updates, reading, flute lessons (oh yeah, the job too) that I began hurting for any kind of human interaction. At 10PM, coming from my French class, I went back to the gym to get my gear when I saw the fitness coordinator, Assata, whom I consider my fitness guru, still being around. I had to ask her, "...wanna go get some hot soup with me at the Chinese restaurant across the street?" I'm glad she said yes. I could really use some conversation at that point. It's been awhile since we hooked up notwithstanding we see each other every workday at the gym. It was a good and lively chat over a satisfying meal. I'm sure the next one will happen sooner than the last.


It's uncanny how I see elements of TheLoneRider in some of the people I get the good fortune of getting connected with...lurking loneriders, closet loneriders, loneriders unaware of them being loneriders, etc. It doesn't matter. LoneRiders are cut from the same cloth. When paths intersect, synergy builds up: dendrites connect, moments happen, sparks of magic fly in all directions...well, most of the time (with some loneriders being more reluctant than others). The momentary bond is something akin to passing the peace pipe...a sharing of self and warmth...bidding the other a safe and meaningful journey until the paths cross again. It's a small world. It does happen from time to time. Then the magic repeats itself.


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