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lucid thoughts

Jan 26, 2003 Sunday

Joe Rockheads

While having an aprés-French class coffee with a classmate last Thursday, I was invited to take part in her rock-climbing gig with friends. Not one to say 'no' to an adrenaline opportunity and promise of human connection, I willingly asked, 'Where and When?' The reply: Joe Rockhead's at Warden and Steeles, Sunday at 1:45PM.

Sunday comes and I'm at Warden and Steeles...and there's no Joe Rockheads. I phone the company and was told that the branch closed down a long time back.

This is the crucial part. If this happened a year ago, I'd be beside myself spewing expletives. Now, I'm able to stand back and look at my frustration from a perspective of a disinterested 3rd party. It's funny what I saw. Instead of being negative about the whole thing, I saw a lady who wanted me to be a part of her group. She had good intentions. Sure, it didn't work out, but hey, shit happens. And it doesn't mean somebody has to take the blame. Shit just happens. Whoever said life offers guarantees?

If there's a shortcoming, it's entirely mine. I should have made that call before I came over. I should have checked out the site on the internet. I should have gotten her number...just in case. So many things I could have done but didn't do...duh! do I feel about the whole thing? Grateful...for the good intention.


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