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lucid thoughts

February 26, 2003 Wednesday

Collective Survival of the Tribe

An email was passed to the content team about something that doesn't affect me in any way. Nonetheless, I replied to the sender, cc: everyone else in the original email, inquiring about its ramification for the affected team members. Of course, it can be perceived as simply grandstanding, but I'm actually drawing from an insight after reading the articles about

BurningMan is an experimental/interactive/temporary community put up for a week in the middle of Black Rock Desert, 120 miles from the nearest city, Reno. The rules are simple: except for coffee and ice, nothing is for sale. Also, there are no garbage depots and you're supposed to 'leave no trace' when you leave. Bottomline: bring enough food and water to survive the entire week and don't leave your garbage behind. It's tough. When BurningMan was in its infancy, given the tough demand and code of ethics, it was everyone for himself. However, as the festival matured and evolved with efficiencies being put in place, the focus shifted from "everyone to himself/herself" to "everyone for the collective survival of the tribe".

Thus, it is in that breath that I sent the email that would address the interest of the team....even if it had nothing to do with me.

Blast Bars

I received the 1st of 2 shipments of Blast Bars in exchange for exposure on site....woohoo!

It's been nearly a year since I had Blast Bars but I've tried nearly all brands out there. To date, regardless of cost, Blast remains the best tasting energy bar in the market. Taste wise, it's as good as a real chocolate bar but without the sin.

I look forward to the coming race season with adequate Blast fuel.


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