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February 23, 2003 Sunday


Sunday Yoga

Normally, when my kids are with me, I wake up early to do my yoga while they're still asleep. I didn't wake up early enough today but I still wanted to do my yoga. I got them to promise me that they won't bother me until I'm done - nice. I proceeded doing Brian Kest's Power Yoga Series 1. My 10-year old was curious enough to join me on-and-off while liberally taking pictures of my poses. Unbeknownst to me however was what my 5-year old was doing. Behind me, she was also doing my poses but being silent about it because she promised not to bother me. When I saw the picture with her emulating my pose, my heart just melted.

mountain biking

Media Plate

Since I started covering the mountain bike races with a media pass for this site, I no longer race officially but instead cover the races from a racer's perspective. That means I still get to hammer the trails side-by-side with the official racers but this time, without a numbered plate.

While covering the 24 Hours of Adrenalin with Trilife, they even supplied me a STAFF plate which gave me access to the trails and beyond without being harassed by their marshals. This gave me an idea. Why not create my own MEDIA plate bearing TheLoneRider title? I can use this on all events I cover.

Using an extra plate I have from the Gears Racing event, I used the back side to stick the pre-cut letters I purchased from Staples. An hour or so of aligning, the media plate is done - can't wait to use this on the season't first race, BikeNXS' Uxbridge Icebreaker.

--- TheLoneRider

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