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lucid thoughts

February 19, 2003 Wednesday

The Kept Promise

My 5 year-old daughter was ecstatic to tell me that she finally mustered enough sinew to keep her promise. It's a landmark achievement for her similar to being 'over the bottle and drinking from a glass'. More importantly for her (and secretly for me too) is that we can now be friends again...back to talking and hugging again. It was tough for her when I held back on those. What she didn't know was it was equally tough for me too. But she was at a crossroad and there was no better point in time to stress the paramount importance of doing what she had to do. I'd like to get her a present in celebration of this occasion.

Going Through a Red Light

It was around 11:30PM and my body/mind was telling me to go home. I did. At that time, there was hardly any car on the road so I went through a red light on the Yonge/Finch intersection. Almost immediately, I heard a wailing siren and saw a flashing red light behind me. I knew it! The officer asks for my license and tells me what I did constituted 3 demerit points + $150 fine....ouch! I wasn't arrogant. I lied saying I didn't notice the red light...that it was the end of a long day and my mind was tired, etc. He knew I was lying but nonetheless was forgiving. He's a young guy....probably rides a bike himself. After a slap on the wrist, he lets me go. I wish I'd bump into him when he's not wearing a uniform and buy him coffee. And as for more crossing the red light. I got 2 little girls to worry about.


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