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fab people

April 7, 2003 Monday

Thor Heyerdahl

I was browsing at Loblaws magazine section and came across Life Magazine's 2002 yearbook edition...hmmm, interesting. There was a section on 'Milestones' - people who have contributed in enriching our lives or have shaped the way we do short, overachievers. To my stunned shock, I saw the name Thor Heyerdahl included in the list. I couldn't believe it. I was nearly in tears as I was reading the article.

Thor first caught my attention in grade school when I read about his daring exploit that went down in history as the Kontiki expedition. With 5 companions, this Norwegian set sail on an 8000 km journey in a balsa raft from Peru to Polynesia that took him 101 days. In the process, he has proven that balsa rafts have the seaworthiness to cross the Pacific and reinforces his theory that ancient Peruvians may be the ancestors of current-day Polynesians. This is just one of very many daring exploits he pursued as an explorer, adventurist and archaeologist. He is the quintessence of a true LoneRider.

Thor seemed to be someone who'll live forever as a bastion of inspiration even to the most intrepid souls. Without him, the world seem to have lost a little of its color...somehow, it's a tamer, duller world. You'll be missed, Thor.


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