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lucid thoughts

September 20, 2002 Friday

Workout with Angie

It would have been a regular workout day but good fortune smiled when Angie, one of the fitness trainers and abs guru showed up for her workout. Without a doubt, ABS was on the table for both of us...and we did, pushing the boundaries to the point of failure.

There's always synergy when you workout with someone slightly more advanced than you. You're not too far behind so you can manage to keep up but constantly pushed to the edge - just like in a mountain bike race. It's great to be passed by someone who's slightly better than you and he (she) sets the pace that makes you push the boundaries to keep pace. It won't kill you, but you just might better your personal best. This doesn't happen everyday.

The Guvernment...almost

I planned on checking out The Guvernment, a "psy trance" dance place frequented by ravers. I was hoping I could get a glimpse of the magic that was OM by hearing the music and soaking up the vibe. Big mistake was going home first. The moment my back touched the lounge chair, the comfort it offered from a long day's work kept me from rising up.

Movie Moments

I ended up watching a video of Hannibal and Crimson River. Both are excellent movies.

I usually keep a collection (in my mind) of memorable movie scenes...more like a "first of its kind" scene. An example is Point Break where Keanu Reeves jumps out of an airplane without a parachute to chase villain Patrick Swayze. He grabs Swayze in mid-air and both are carried by Swayze's parachute when it opened. Another scene is from the movie Year of the Dragon with Mickey Rourke and John Lone. Mickey shoots while running after John Lone. Whereas traditional movie scripts will call for John to be hit, or disappear, here, John suddenly turns back, points and shoots his gun at Mickey while charging towards him. So both of them are charging at each other while shooting at the same time. In Hannibal, (if you haven't seen the movie, you can stop reading now) the scene is when Hannibal prys open the skull of an awake albeit drugged Ray Liotta so that he can snack on his brain...while Ray is talking. That one was for the books.


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