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lucid thoughts

October 6, 2002 Sunday


With the short night ride I had with my daughter yesterday, she was pumped about hammering today inside an actual trail system. Fine with me. I didn't take her to The Don (although that time will come) but there's a park trail system close to home that offers

She was exhausted but swears it was the best ride she's ever had...even better than the 50K ride she had at Ride for Heart!

Bonding with her on the trails is pure gold. I wanted her to experience a great ride that only a good bike can provide. I had to loan the money for it but it doesn't matter. She'll treasure this experience long after that debt has been paid off.


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Reader Comments:

Peter Loney (October 21, 2002)
You are a wise man....
I did the same for Stuart (son) initially. Bought him a bike then put a fork on it. Sierra (daughter) went right to a front suspension bike.
At the start of this year I did a ride with Stuart and it was very enjoyable. I think I mentioned it to you (50kms of road and trail). It was with the Bolton Mountain Bike Club. We spent the three hours just talking and that is time you can not put a value on.
This weekend they went again. Due to circumstances beyond our control (hockey season has started and I coach Stu's team) we could not make it. I was bummed out that we were not going. Probably more so then Stuart.
Time like this is valued because by the time you know it they are all grown up and out of the house.


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