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lucid thoughts

October 14, 2002 Thanksgiving Monday

Stylish Olga

I was on my way to my periodontist for a surgery (why on a Thanksgiving holiday? Hey, we both happen to be available...go figure). On the TTC bus, my attention was taken by a cello-carrying lady with rimmed sunglasses wearing a ¾ French-revolution coat - very stylish. She's Olga, a landed immigrant who's been here for 6 months now and on her way to a rehearsal for next week's performance. She's been playing cello for 16 years and has been around the world performing - wow! There was more to talk about but we had to go our own ways. Oh yeah...she loves Canada. I'm not surprised.

Grumpy TTC Driver

While boarding another TTC bus that was waiting for more passengers at the Eglinton depot, I asked the driver if it will pass by my destination. All the while, she never looked at me and was reading the newspaper. I finally asked, "Hello!". She snapped at me and angrily replied, "I'm thinking....". Hmmm, somebody didn't get enough sleep tonight. I'm just glad my day got off to a better start than her.

Reassuring Dentist

I finally reach my dentist's clinic. He comes over, thanks me for being available on a Thanksgiving day, shakes my hand and apologizes for the 5 minute wait I had to do. There was another patient. Hey, when was the last time your dentist accorded you that reception?

Before proceeding with the surgery, he explains to me again what's wrong, what needs to be done and the results I'm likely to have, and asks me if I have questions. I look at his wall and I see his credentials. This guy knows his stuff.

Not only that, he went the extra mile of doing something he normally passes off to the next "regular" dentist at my request. It only makes sense - something else needed to be done, he can do it, I'm already opened up, so why pass it on to somebody else at a later time? He also used the finest thread to hide the stitching so I can look better.

This guy blows me away. I've never been treated with such respect, importance and consideration by any doctor or dentist before. Usually, you're just a little more than a number on an assembly line. I hope all medical practioners are just as cool about his patients as this guy. Hey if you're looking for a periodontist, I whole-heartly recommend him: Dr. Eric Sade (416-483-3333).

Wrapping Up

A fairly interesting day - meeting an attractive and engaging cello performer, being rebutted by an edgy TTC driver and being reassured and placated by an amiable and competent dentist...yes, human encounters never cease to fascinate.


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