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lucid thoughts

November 28, 2002 Thursday


I've already resumed my yoga last week while being extra light on the poses and stretches. It's time to push it hard this time and get back to my regular program. It was great feeling my limits again. Occasionally, I'd have some muscles locking up causing me to give up the pose or the stretch. I guess that's expected.

It was a small class and I'm always concerned that the magic number of 10 participants may not be reached for the program to push through. I talked to a new member of the Content Team to see if she might be interested. After having talked to Kiran, she agreed to join but not the Power Yoga class. She chose the Wednesday Hatha Yoga. I'm back to the original number, but hey, the good word was spread and the links in the yoga chain is one more than it had. It's all good.

Fun Lunch

Aside from the Friday team lunch we regularly have at some nearby restaurant, lunch is a solitary exercise in front of my computer. I'd rather use my 1-hour lunch break working out at the gym. Today is different though. With new people coming on board the Content Team, I joined them for lunch at the 2nd floor leisure lounge. We sat by the huge window overlooking the Mel Lastman Square. Given a few occasional laughs, it was fun. this is what I'd been missing out on. Interesting.


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