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lucid thoughts

November 14, 2002 Thursday

The Last 2 Weeks - day 14

I've had ample rest the past 2 weeks, nursing my nose while on short-term disability. Tomorrow, I go back to work and become a citizen of the world again. I'm glad I had the 2 weeks. Aside from resting, I think I'd been pretty productive.

  • Astral Dynamics - I finally finished reading the 550-page book. While I haven't successfully done an OBE, I now have a better understanding of the whole journey. Now, I have to go back and actually practice the energy-boosting exercises. For what it's worth, it helps me dissipate stress. That's plenty.
  • People of the Century - I also finished reading this book - all 100 significant lives that altered the course of this century. Surprisingly, I didn't even know a good 1/3 of these people. What I find a common theme amongst them is the almost single-minded focus, the utmost dedication, and the unwavering resolve in doing what they did. I find the book a bit American-centric though. I'm sure if a European/Asian country had published that, a good half of the names will be different. I would have wanted to see Singapore's Lee Kwan Yu and Cuba's Castro.
  • Tax return 2001 - I'm glad I don't have any taxes owing otherwise I'd have to pay a fine for filing 1 year late.
  • Learn to Speak French - with my 2-week leave, I'm left behind on my French language course. My classmates have gone ahead to level 3. Fortunately, I was able to get a patch to install a 4-CD French course on my machine. In the meantime, while waiting for the next available window for level 3 next year at Alliance Francaise, I'll be honing my skill using this software.
  • Before the Rain - one of the videos I borrowed from the library. I haven't been moved by a movie in a long time. This one did. It even lingers while I write this. It's about the bloodshed going on in Yugoslavia...and how the killings are going on a vicious circle. It has to be seen and learned from.


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