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lucid thoughts

July 04, 2002 Thursday

Goodbye to the Yoga Class

After 10 months of yoga, the class came to a close today. It's an end but it's also the mark of a new beginning. I can't help but feel for the part in the long running series "Kung Fu", when the Shaolin Sensei told his disciple "Grasshopper" that the time has come to leave the temple and venture out into the real world. Okay...I'm romanticizing too much but I've always felt that yoga is not an end to itself but a step into the next progression....projection. It is with great gratitude that I bid my teacher, Kiran Sohal, goodbye....namaste.


It is with good fortune that I still had time left (before I leave for the Philippines) to hook up with a promising web designer, Miho, who intends to span the the 2 ends of the web spectrum - front-end design and back-end programming. I find it rare for any individual to thread both worlds but I'm full of optimism for Miho. Like Carrie, I was a captive audience as she tells of her travels, thoughts and adventures. Her charm and grace is exceeded only by her verve for life. I can imagine her going far in her chosen career.


Reader Comments

I have enjoyed watching your progression from a beginner to that of a disciplined yogi. You are right, there comes a time when once you have learned all you can from a teacher, it is time to move on. A teacher can only point the way to the path, you are the one who must be faithful to the discipline. Even on those days when you really don't feel like doing the practice, you transcend the level of feelings and do it anyway. This is known as honoring the practice. Ultimately, discipline will lead to victory over the mind and then you will reach true freedom. Namaste, -- Kiran (July 5, 2002)

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