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lucid thoughts

December 6, 2002 Friday

Magical Moments

I was one of the recipients of one of those mass emails passed around to friends where personal questions are asked and I'm supposed to honestly answer them, mail it back to the sender and send the same questions to a handful of my other friends.

One of the questions was: Will you go out on a date with me?

A year ago, my immediate answer to that would have been: What day and time is good for you?

Surprisingly, or maybe not surprisingly, I had to struggle with that question this time (don't get me wrong - she's smart, beautiful and liberated). Given the magical moments that have happened to me during the last several months, my headspace has shifted from one end of the spectrum to the other. I just didn't realize to what extent until now. There was only one way I could have answered that question, which I did:

I don't date anymore. I simply give it all I have, exploring the possibilities and limits of human connection, one magical moment at a time and let it take me where it takes me (no preconceived notion of outcome, no increased expectation, just an open landscape).

If that pursuit of human connection leads me (in my friend Michelle's parlance) to food, coffee and friendship, then I can only be thankful it had a chance to happen when otherwise it may not. On my journey, I'll take this unknown path without the comforting familiarity of established norms and conventions.

The horizon is infinitely bigger now with more moments waiting to happen, hopefully, all of them, magical.

Reader Comments:

Emily December 19, 2002
I read your thoughts and I really understand what you express in a special place in my heart. I appreciate and understand you very much. All I can say in return is that you are a beautiful creature whom I want to get to know more of.
There's nothing more I desire than get to know you better myself. Your kind words provide shelter from the storm...many thanks.


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