First Day of Work Friday March 28, 2025 EDT 
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lucid thoughts

August 6, 2002 Tuesday

First Day of Work

I think the best way to gauge if you've had enough of a good holiday(s) is when you actually start missing work. And the timing is just right for me. I'm glad management reconsidered to grant me a month's leave (instead of the 2 week maximum policy). That's just about as long as I needed. I'm ready to roll up my sleeves and get my hands dirty on web code.

A good workout was in order after the heavy feasting in the Philippines. Rope skipping, full stretching and lower body weight training...yeah baby, I'm back!

The office looks new...more workstations, new color, new hires. But some new guy has his name on my desk and I see my nameplate on this remote quarter-sized workstation beside a windowless wall located away from my team with all my stuff on it. There's no computer even. I'd been pushed out! This is NOT good. So this is how it feels when you see the 'writing on the wall' when they don't want you anymore. Thoughts of Workopolis and flooded into my mind. Have to find a new job, a new gym, be located further from my kids, a longer bike ride from home, etc. And then....GOTCHA!!!!!! from the guys. A good old-fashioned prank. They got me this time. Didn't see it coming. That's a good one. Better yet, they still 'lav me.

The production server is very sloooow it's almost useless. From what I had been hearing, it's been nearly like that in the last 3 weeks. 3 FREAKIN' WEEKS?????? And I don't see "condition red" blinking on every corner. What the heck am I missing here? Is everybody on downers? It's like a day at the beach here!!!

French Language course

It's also the first day of my French language course at Alliance Francaise just a few blocks from work. I sat beside Padena, an attractive working student with Persian descent. Reminds me of my university days when having an attractive classmate motivates you to study so you can show off....hey, it works.

My bike gets a flat tire so I'm forced to walk it all the way home...darn.

Slept at 2AM after working on some images to use on my Lucid Thought entry.

--- TheLoneRider

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