24 Hours of Adrenalin

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mountain biking

August 7, 2002 Wednesday

24 Hours of Adrenalin

One of the 300 emails awaiting my arrival was from Stuart Dorland, president and founder of the Trilife Sports International, the company responsible for bringing us the very popular 24 Hours of Adrenalin mountain bike races. He liked the feature story I did about the 24 Hours at Kelso and asked what my thoughts are about this site (TheLoneRider.com) becoming an official Canadian site for the Trilife 24 Hours of Adrenalin events.

I still don't know the details of that "offer" but I'm glad that my long hours of racing, taking pictures, writing copy, coding and posting are validated. I can categorically say that the 2 most challenging features I've done on my site are the Kelso 24 Hour event and the OM Music Festival. I would foray into the wee hours coding, writing, graphic editing until the images and layout look right. Between my real work (as web designer for AIM Funds Management), my yoga, my workout routine, saddle time, reading and site update for TheLoneRider, I'd be lucky to get 4 hours of sleep in a day.

No complaints though. A work of love is its own reward. While I realize I can't sustain this schedule indefinitely, I also know I can always look back into this as one of the meaningful moments where I'm consumed by passion and pouring my heart away for sheer love of it. How many times in a lifetime does something like this happen anyway? I'm privileged.

Michael Lee

He's leaving the company and we're giving him a send-off lunch. Whenever somebody who makes a positive contribution to the company leaves, it always feels like there's one less link in the chain...one less warrior in the tribe. And we now need to pull resources together to make things happen and keep the machinery moving.

--- TheLoneRider

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