AIM Play Day Monday March 10, 2025 EDT 
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lucid thoughts

August 28, 2002 Wednesday

AIM Play Day

The company set a whole day fund-raising event at a plaza beside our building. Top management was there for the average Jane and Joe like to throw pies on and dunk them on the pool with...for the price of a buck (or two)! Andrew, the team lead engineer was on the dunk pool too long, I was feeling bad for him. Everybody was cool and having a great time. Top management...what can I say? great troopers!

Ross and Partners

I went to Yonge and Davisville to meet up with Ross and his partners and pursue the continuing talk we had previously about the web project. A few sites were picked as "sites to emulate" - funky corporate with a strong sense of usability. I like it.

I would have to assemble a team to make that happen. This is not just an opportunity to make a few bucks, but also to get experience on what I think is an ideal web team setup - using the internet for remote collaboration. I would extensively use NetMeeting to conduct video conferencing and to simultaneously work on code/graphics - all without the benefit of physical availability.

Ultimately, I can leverage this experience to form a global team - a programmer in Asia, a graphic editor in Romania, an html developer in India while I act as hub and nexus to all this slew of activity from the comfort and leisure of a Parisian café. Hey, big things begin with a dream.


I like surprises...pleasant surprises that is. I got that after leaving the meeting and proceeding to Eglinton for the TTC stop. I happen to pass by a new branch of Pizzabilities , a reknowned kick-ass place for pizza. I knew they were located in Kensington Market, but I didn't know they opened a branch here. This is simply great!. Their pizza is the best I've had so far - and I've had very good pizzas from the best pizza places in town. I have to admit their pizza is even better than mine (just very slightly better). I had the sausage slice...nice, but I really have to taste one that's fresh off the oven. With them this close to me now, the next time won't be too long.

--- TheLoneRider

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