Doug's Lunch Treat Monday March 3, 2025 EST 
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lucid thoughts

August 29, 2002 Thursday

It's beginning to get cold in the mornings. My usual sleeveless top/bike shorts attire doesn't cut it anymore for my bike commute. Maybe there'll be more Indian summer days ahead.

Doug's Lunch Treat

Doug, an office project manager sends out an email to our team with the subject "Lunch". I'm thinking: Nice, somebody's buying lunch...maybe pizza. He then says in the email that it's best for the team to take their lunch at 12:30 since the servers will be down. It wasn't free lunch as I thought. To rib him about it, I replied to him (cc: the entire team),"The subject was 'Lunch'...and I thought it (lunch) was on you (sigh!)". Apparently, everyone in the team thought so too. I guess that put him on the spot so he decided to take us out. Now I felt really uncomfortable. This guy can't expense this and he's going to be in for at least $200...all because I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

So off we go to Moxie's, a trendy and pricey restaurant a few blocks away from work. Hey I would have settled for pizza but seeing the menu saying it's $7 less on Thursdays for a bottle of wine, I say, "Hey guys, this isn't a bad deal". So we also had the wine...all because I couldn't shut up...again!

It was a great lunch. Thanks Doug!

--- TheLoneRider

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