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rock climbing

April 1, 2002 Monday

Rock climbing

First Monday of the month is Rock Climber's Night at Rock Oasis along Bathurst and Front. It's my second time with the same crew. The first try was 3 weeks earlier and it was a blast! What made our initiation into the sport a fun-and-learn experience was having Adrian as our instructor. He was good and had a knack for making it engaging. His moves were smooth, graceful and calculated...almost like poetry. I thought it was all about good lats to pull you up and good quads to push you up. But I realized a lot of it was technique. Muscle alone won't get you up there. My forearms burned out before I could max out my climbing hours which is until 11 PM. Resting didn't really help much. I had to call it a day. The highlight of the night for me was reaching the top of the 50 ft. climb on 5.8 scale wall (which is pretty good for a novice) but beyond that, technique had to play a more pivotal role.

After tonight, I was hooked...time to buy my own harness and make it back more than once a month. A season objective? A outdoor climb.


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