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2014 archive

February 2014 Blogs

U Trade's Coming Out Party wealth_building
U Trade's Coming Out Party
(Feb 27, 2014) UniCapital opens up with a bang to jump start online trading by launching its online trading platform, U Trade...more »»

La Creperie Paris Opens its Doors in Cebu City food
La Creperie Paris Opens its Doors in Cebu City
(Feb 22, 2014) La Creperie Paris opens up in Cebu City at Mango area....more »»

Hiatus lucid
(Feb 22, 2014) With a back injury, I have to stop my yoga practice. This gives me time to get my bearings right and step back to see the big picture one more time.....more »»

Joan Hyman Yoga Workshop by YogaHub yoga
Joan Hyman Yoga Workshop by YogaHub
(Feb 18, 2014) Joan Hyman conducts an inversion and Ashtanga Yoga workshop at YogaHub in Cebu....more »»

Idiot on a Jet Plane verbatim
Idiot on a Jet Plane
(Feb 15, 2014) Said by an ex-pilot about rich folks who buy $27 million jets he used to sell...more »»

Demystefying Ashtanga Yoga yoga

Demystefying Ashtanga Yoga

(Feb 13, 2014) as an Ashtangi, I used to regard Ashtanga Yoga as the end-all and be-all of yoga. As I read more about its history and evolution, I begin to appreciate it more in the light it was perhaps it was intended to be - demystifying Ashtanga Yoga....more »»

Abundance in Cebu (Part 2) lucid
Abundance in Cebu (Part 2)
(Feb 11, 2014) counting the blessings in Cebu....more »»

Shifting Yoga Paradigm yoga
Shifting Yoga Paradigm
(Feb 10, 2014) As I sink deeper into my yoga, I am increasingly drawn to a philosphical perspective where I question long-standing tenets about this practice in validating a lot of my own convictions.....more »»

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Davao City

Davao Hotel
Family-Owned and Managed
Davao Hotel


Dumaguete Divers
Scuba Diving
Apo Island

Mario Scuba Diving and Homestay
Scuba Diving
Apo Island


Maricaban Bay property for sale, Coron
Coron Island Property for Sale
Busuanga, Palawan

Calamianes Expeditions And Ecotours, Coron
Island Hopping Tours
Coron, Palawan

Tribal Adventures Outdoor Adventure Tours

SandCastles Palawan Beach Resort SandCastles Palawan Beach Resort


Tribal Adventures
Outdoor Adventure Tours

Boracay Sandcastles Beach Resort
Boracay Beach Hotel