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Beach Life in Roxas, Mindoro Oct 31-Nov 4, 2012

Beach Life in Roxas, Mindoro

Road Ride to Roxas
There are plenty of van rides from San Jose to Roxas. I took the 8:30 trip and I was off this new place. One thing about going to a new place, it's always more exciting, not knowing what lay ahead. Being in front of the van on the way to Roxas, the 2.5-hour road trip was pleasant with the sights we passed along. While the occidental is mountainous, the landscape to Roxas after crossing the mountainous terrain of Bulalacao was an expansive flat agricultural land for rice. It was abundant that palay (rice with husk) was being dried on the highway pavement! We traversed the mountain and landed on the coastal road before arriving in Roxas.

Roxas Town Proper
Roxas felt lighter, more optimistic. At the town proper, AM Builders, an established name in construction supplies was putting up a presence - a good economic indicator. The buildings seemed newer and not as weathered. However, it's still a small town - no movie houses, no malls, no Jollibee or McDo. Not being too lucky on striking a hotel deal in the town proper, I headed to the beach area in Dalahican to try my luck.

Mitasha Beach Resort
As I tried my luck on the resorts of Dalahican, I came upon Mitasha Beach Resort that offered me a beach fan room with tv and comfort room. The resort manager, Nidz Reyes, was particularly nice. We had several leisurely chats over food that was free for the taking on the table. At least for now, I have a pleasant place to spend some nights before I take the boat for Romblon. Beach life was fun even without getting wet. The sea breeze and the overall laid-back atmosphere allowed me to do a lot of work.

Dalahican Beaches
The resorts lining the beach are more or less for local consumption - nothing fancy, but good value. The interesting thing about the beach resorts here is that even the most modest resort has a swimming pool. Why? If you stick a pipe down the ground, fresh potable water comes rushing out! I stopped buying mineral water and just helped myself to the continuously flowing water from the pipe.

Whereas some beaches are fun to find shells, here in Dalahican Beach, the stretch of sandy beach that goes on a few kilometers, the interesting find would be stone marbles. Roxas being across the water from the marble capital of the Philippines, Romblon, it wasn't surprising to find a lot of stone marbles on the beach. Mostly, the gray sand is mixed-in with flat round stones. Even the regular stones are quite interesting by themselves.

--- TheLoneRider

How to Get to Roxas from San Jose, Mindoro

  • Take a V-hire van located near Allied Bank - P250, 2 hours 40 minutes travel, departure times 5:30-6:30-7:30-8:30-9:30-10:30 a.m. daily, tel 0920.615.8234
Mitasha Beach Resort, Roxas, Mindoro

Proprietor:Marrietta J. Krutil
Resort Manager:Nidz Reyes
Location:Sitio Dalahican, Brgy. San Jose, Roxas, Oriental Mindoro
Mobile:+(63)949.452.8230 Smart
Feature:open 24/7, no brownout, beachfront, swimming pool, parking
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