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January 2012 archive

January 2012 Blogs

Into The Black lucid thoughts
Into The Black
(Jan 31, 2012) A young provincial lass took curiosity of me and after some benign tete-a-tete, I received a picture-text from her with the message, "I Love You" - an obvious school-girl crush (she was over 18). Humoured but not taking it seriously, I asked her in Tagalog, "Sigurado ka ba? (Are you sure?)". Her very candid answer caused me to take immediate flight to the pharmacy...more »»

Celebrating Year of the Dragon in Bacolod traveling
Celebrating Year of the Dragon in Bacolod
(Jan 21-23, 2012) Unbeknownst to me, Bacolod was having its Bacolodiat Festival in celebration of the Chinese New Year. Lacson St was closed and a street fair was brewing with more and more people pouring into the strip. By the time it got dark, it was packed. I got to try the Bacolod Cansi dish, celebrate the Year of the Dragon inside a Chinese temple, and got a sense of what my Tagalog friends once told me...that Bacolodnons know how to party...more »»

Dinagyang Festival in Iloilo City Traveling

Dinagyang Festival in Iloilo City

(January 21, 2012) The last time I was in Iloilo was still in March 2008, nearly 4 years ago. This time, Iloilo was not a destination for me but a transit point to get to Bacolod, then a bus trip back home to Dumaguete. But I was just in time for the Dinagyang Festival....more »»

Cuyo Island Hopping Tour traveling
Cuyo Island Hopping Tour
(Jan 20, 2012) I approached the local tourism office to see how we can develop a tourism portal for Cuyo. Ramil Ceralbo, the officer in charge, was very cooperative and saw the merit of such a vision. Without further delay, he arranged an island hopping tour for us to see the rest of Cuyo - with an M16-carrying police escort (whoa!). It was a full day of braving the choppy waters that took us to 3 islands - Quiminatin Island, Pandan Island and Bararing Island...more »»

Coron fight verbatim
(Jan 15, 2012) Witnessing a fight between two teen-agers in Coron, Palawan where Boy A is beating hard on Boy B. Boy B wasn't even hitting. He was just there standing up defiantly as Boy A kicks and punches him. Boy B breaks away from a moment and talks to one of this friends:
Boy B: "I will not hit him. It's beneath me. I cannot allow myself to beat him up. Pwede, you na lang? (you wanna do it for me?)"

Exploring Cuyo, Palawan traveling
Exploring Cuyo, Palawan
(Jan 17-19, 2012) It was many years ago when I first noticed on the Philippine map that there was an isolated cluster of islands with an unfamiliar name - Cuyo. It was so remote from the mainland that it left me curious and thinking...what could possibly be there? I had no planned itinerary to go there, but when a Yakult salesman told me a new ship route just opened from Coron to Cuyo, I dropped my plan to go to Mindoro and instead, make a booking for Cuyo...more »»

Free-Diving Calumbuyan Reef, Coral Garden and Lusong Gunboat skin diving
Free-Diving Calumbuyan Reef, Coral Garden and Lusong Gunboat
(Jan 14, 2012) Calumbuyan Island was a half-measured dive for me a few years back. My buddy then was inexperienced and was overwhelmed by the initial plunge. This time, I had the full appreciation of what Calumbuyan is all about. This tour is not enough to make the most of this magnificent reef. I'll be back. And this time, I'll bring my tent and stay until I have Calumbuyan coming out of my ears...more »»

Exploring Dive Link Resort traveling
Exploring Dive Link Resort
(Jan 13, 2012) The problem I have in Coron is that once the dive boats and the island hopping tour boats are gone, you're stuck in Coron Town with not much else to do. Maquinit Hot Spring is too hot in the daytime, the nearest beach is too far away, and there are no malls or movie houses. Luckily, there's Dive Link Resort...more »»

Coron Island Tour - Malcapuya, Banana and Bulog Islands traveling
Coron Island Tour - Malcapuya, Banana and Bulog Islands
(Jan 10, 2012) By the time I reached the area of the clams in Malcapuya, I already heard my buddy yelling for help. Without fins, the waves were just too much for him. He wasn't drowning yet, but soon to be - he looked exhausted. My biggest fear was if I rescue him and he panics, he'll take me down with him...more »»

Wreck Diving in Coron with Rocksteady Dive Center scuba diving
Wreck Diving in Coron with Rocksteady Dive Center
(Jan 8, 2012) After my first wreck dive at Kogyo Maru, I was stoked! Time for another wreck dive while I'm still here in Coron, the wreck capital of the Philippines. Unlike being on a reef where there is open expanse, being in a cargo hold where you see the confining floor, walls and ceiling...and you find yourself floating in the middle of trippy! Being inside a wreck is a ghoulish experience. It felt like trespassing on an eerie graveyard...more »»

Diving Barracuda Lake and Kogyo Maru scuba diving
Diving Barracuda Lake and Kogyo Maru
(Jan 4, 2012) From inFlight Magazine, I read from Gutsy Tuason that Kogyo Maru is one of his top 10 dives in the Philippines. From 3 divers in Coron, I was told that the best dive in Coron is Barracuda Lake. As I was doing my rounds in Coron's dive shops, I chanced on a scheduled dive for both the Kogyo Maru and Barracuda Lake. I was in...definitely in...more »»

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Davao City

Davao Hotel
Family-Owned and Managed
Davao Hotel


Dumaguete Divers
Scuba Diving
Apo Island

Mario Scuba Diving and Homestay
Scuba Diving
Apo Island


Maricaban Bay property for sale, Coron
Coron Island Property for Sale
Busuanga, Palawan

Calamianes Expeditions And Ecotours, Coron
Island Hopping Tours
Coron, Palawan

Tribal Adventures Outdoor Adventure Tours

SandCastles Palawan Beach Resort SandCastles Palawan Beach Resort


Tribal Adventures
Outdoor Adventure Tours

Boracay Sandcastles Beach Resort
Boracay Beach Hotel