Jun 13, 2011
Subic Bay: Yoga with Carlo Magno
Erica Boucher's Empath Yoga It has been a little over 2 years since Carlo and I, together with 10 more, participated in the Empath Yoga workshop in Sagada under founder, Erica Boucher. Since then, I've always wondered how the rest have fared - and where their yoga has taken them. I've likened all 12 of us as Erica's 12 apostles. With my trip to Subic Bay, I would see Carlo again and perhaps glean some perspective on where yoga has taken him in the last 2 years.
Personal Asanas I showed up at the Subic Yacht Club where his yoga group, Jordana Yoga usually meet up for their afternoon yoga. He conducts Tuesday night yoga. His asanas reminded me Erica's brand of yoga. Carlo however, already added his own touch. It started off easy but became progressively more difficult.
Aprés-Yoga Coffee After, he took me to his fav cafe, Xtremely Xpresso Cafe, where we leisurely talked about the rest of the 'apostles' and life in general. What he said about his yoga validated the processes and changes I went through myself. Of course we took different paths but the direction is more or less at parallel.
Lingering Thoughts I wonder what has happened to the rest. How has their journey been? Of course I see their postings on Facebook and get a sense of where they are. But a one-on-one chat over coffee after a yoga session? Priceless! With a humble demeanor, I share them my merits.
--- TheLoneRider
 Sherry Evans |
"What a magical time we shared together, eh?" (Jul 26, 2011) ...indeed, we all shared something magical in Sagada. I still take that with me wherever I end up. Much love to you, Erica.
Erica Boucher (Jul 26, 2011) Oh Gigit this is so beautiful. Thank you. I miss you both...I miss you ALL so much! What a magical time we shared together, eh? Sending you so, so, so much love!
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