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At Random TV Interview with Aesha Villanueva Jul 6, 2010 (taping date)

At Random TV Interview with Aesha Villanueva

Bye Bye Showbiz
I thought I've seen the last of showbiz with the Survivor castaway reunion 2 years ago when I decided I've had it. I figured I didn't spend my UP years just to sit waiting for hours on end on a calltime where no one comes on time, and where unreturned emails and calls mean "NO". After that, I declined all invites for other showbiz appearances and GMA soon stopped inviting me. I went back to resuming my pre-Survivor life. End of story.

Aesha Villanueva
But Aesha, my team partner at the Eco Adventure Race who also hosts the local talk show, At Random, for a cable tv network, thought there was something interesting or odd about a city guy who decides to live in Dumaguete without having been there before, knows no one and doesn't even know where he'll spend his first night. She asked if I can appear on local tv for an interview. I said no problem. I am at ease with Aesha.

The Interview
The interview was a series of broad stroke questions as to how I look at life and what brought me to Dumaguete. When asked how I felt about Dumaguete, I said after having lived in Manila, New York and Canada, and having visited a few major cities in the world, I would liken Dumaguete as the world's best kept secret. That wasn't lip motion. Think about it. Where on earth can you have all the following in one city?:

  • low cost of living
  • low crime rate
  • low pollution level
  • low congestion
  • gentle people
  • having the world's best dive spots in its frontyard
  • having mountain trails, waterfalls, natural hot and cold springs in the mountain range just in its backyard

Ending Thoughts
Dumaguete is urban living without becoming a hamster on a wheel. Simply put, DUMAGUETE ROCKS !!!!

--- TheLoneRider

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Reader Comments:

" got me thinking about a potential retirement place" -- Dennis Manonog
(Jul 10, 2010) Dennis, aren't you a little too young to even be thinking about the "R" word?

Dennis LopezDennis Manonog
(Jul 10, 2010) got me thinking about a potential retirement place. But with so much to do outdoors, even 'retirement' might sound out of place.

Rene AbesamisRene Abesamis
(Jul 9, 2010) ...maybe you don't need to hear it from me...but I agree with you...DUMAGUETE ROCKS!

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