Gear Review: Insulmat Self-Inflating Mattress Saturday March 1, 2025 EST 
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gear review

Insulmat Self-Inflating Mattress Jul 8, 2009

Insulmat Self-Inflating Mattress
Rating: star star star star star
(1 out of 5 stars as of Jan 2, 2011 - this may change as I continue to use it)

Maker: Insulmat
MSRP: P2,100.00 (full size)
Outlet: Conquer Outdoor Equipment (2nd Level, Robinsons Pioneer Mall, EDSA Mandaluyong (Boni))
Date Acquired: July 5, 2009
Frequency of Use: daily (for about 2 months...indoor)

sleeping on an Insulmat Self-Inflating MattressForeword
Some mountaineers complain that they didn't enjoy the climb when in fact, they just didn't have a good night's sleep. That was always true for me. The foam earth pad never did it for me. Then at my climb to Pantingan, UPM Mark Romano remarked that inflatables are "luxurious but worth it" ('yan ang luho na worth it!). That was the clincher. I bought a local one and sleeping on a mountain was never the same again. I wouldn't even call it luxurious, but essential. I gave up the local brand and now got a full size Insulmat Self-Inflating Mattress, which I ended up using as my everyday mattress.

I bought it from Conquer Outdoor Equipment because this company has a good return/exchange policy...and stands behind the products they sell.

    Features (company claim)
  • matrix foam - to make it light and less bulky
  • high airflow valve
  • anti-fungal treatment
  • water repellent
    Intended Use (company claim)
  • designed and built for those wanting the lightest, least bulky self-inflating pad
    thumbs upPros
  • it came with a repair kit
  • includes its stuff sack
  • reversible (red/lime green)
    thumbs downCons
  • material used has a very short shelf life. It develops microscopic holes even with delicate use.
    wish listWish List
  • a feature that allows joining 2 mats together

star star star star star
(July 8, 2009) So far, all their claims are true. When packed, it's really light and lean. It's less bulky and lighter than the local one I had before, despite the fact that the local one was only 3/4 length! It had just the right amount of thickness to provide support. On a hard floor (which is where I sleep), I can sleep on my side without bruising my pelvic area. They claim durability. I can't comment on that until after long-term use. Stay tuned!

star star star star star
(Jan 2, 2011) Even though it's been a year and a half since I acquired it, the inflatable mattress was hardly used outdoors or indoors. If and when it's used, it's used very carefully, almost with kid's gloves, given the warning of Charrd. Despite all that, when I resumed it's use last December, a few microscopic holes developed. I'd patch it up and see a new one again. I don't think it's a puncture but simply accelerated wear from an inferior product. I would still recommend using an inflatable mattress on your next camping, but your money is better spent on a different brand.

--- TheLoneRider

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Reader Comments:

Charrd star star star star star
(July 8, 2009) useless na yung insulmat na nabili ko sa conquer. nganga na seams. (pagitan ng red at orange). disappointing. bibili pa ako ng pangdikit. yung kasabay na therma rest ko buhay na buhay pa.

Dennis Lopez star star star star star
(July 8, 2009) Indeed one of the better ideas developed for backpacking. My one qualm about Insul-mat (the old model, red/orange color scheme) is that the material they used was not at par with therm-a-rest and it developed multiple micro-punctures when stored deflated and rolled up for a long time (I know a lot of people who bought that model who encountered this problem).

I'm glad I got my therm-a-rest at a discounted price when Store Shop was disposing of their inventory many years ago.

Bernz star star star star star
(July 8, 2009) Yes. Makes sleeping in the wild really, really comfortable :)

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