June 29, 2008
Blackened Steak with the Coleman eXponent Stove
With climbing buddies Aarone, Reggie and Xtine, we took my new Coleman eXponent 442 stove for some serious picnic in the park - blackened steak with roasted veggies, all seared on a sizzling plate. As if lured by the spicy aroma of the thick smoke, a merry band of UP Mountaineers descended upon our picnic spread and the fun began.
Blackened Steak Seasoning
To have blackened steak, you need blackened steak seasoning - a dry rub consisting of paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, dried thyme, black pepper. I've tried a few brands, but the best is still Sammy's Creole. Unfortunately, it's only sold in Sammy's obscure little restaurant in Toronto, Canada. If friends are coming from Toronto, I usually beg them to go out of their way to get me some. However, you can Google 'blackened steak seasoning recipe' and you should come up with a decent dry-rub mix.
Blackened Steak
To me, this is perhaps the most satisfying way to cook steak. Dip the steak in melted butter and smother it with the blackened steak seasoning (creole style!). Put the sizzling plate on a stove top, high searing heat and then lay the steak down. This produces intense and heavy smoke (so do this outside!). If you want your steak rare, flip the steak after 1 minute and sear for just 30 seconds on the other side. Remove from heat (the steak will continue to cook on the sizzling plate) and dopple with a little butter (this is the secret last-minute add-on done by famous steakhouses). The steak should have a black crust outside while remaining pink and juicy on the inside.
Roasted Veggies
The mix veggies (bell peppers, asparagus, zucchini, cherry tomatoes) were cut-up and tossed together with a little salt and melted butter and put on the hot plate. The hot plate is then put on top of the stove, on its highest heat setting. It's hard to toss them around without spilling, so a 2nd hot plate is put to cover the veggies and then turned upside down (the new hot plate is now the one on the stove top). Once you smell the veggies cooking, it's done.
Coleman eXponent Stove
Coleman has made a name for itself providing outdoor equipment to backyard campers. With the introduction of the eXponent line, they've made the ambitious move by tapping into the more serious outdoor enthusiasts - mountaineers, hikers and travel adventurers. On the eXponent product line are stoves, cook sets, tents and sleeping bags. It's my first time to put their dual-fuel 442 stove to the test. Using Coleman fuel (at P360/gallon, it comes out cheaper than lighter fluid...and it's cleaner), the Coleman eXponent stove performed well surging blue flame that seared the plate in no time. Even with the heavy hot plate on top, it remained stable.
Ending Thoughts
The steaks were done rare, with just the right amount of spice to provide that added kick while the colorful veggies were seared to give it that crunchy texture. With Sagada pear wine, baguette and butter, it was a feast. This is a perfect outdoor cookout - not too messy, simple to do, and delivers all that gourmet goodness on a picnic spread. Hmmm....what could be a good 'next' to top this one?
--- TheLoneRider
Comments? Email webmaster@thelonerider.com
Kimberly (July 17, 2008) ...your story on the blackened steak picnic looks great! nakakagutom :-)
Charrd (July 11, 2008) sama na sa training climbs para matikman yan. with chef costume ulit ha. hehe
Bernz (July 10, 2008) Yum :) I still remember the smores you made nung UP Fair around 3 years back. Kaka-member lang natin nun.
Dip (July 10, 2008) thanks! buti naligaw kami dun! sarap!
Reggie (July 10, 2008) Ang sarap ng food, ang saya ng picnic!
Dennis Lopez (July 10, 2008) once you go black, ulam na!
Vyxz (July 10, 2008) homeygad, hangsaraaaaaaap!!! cook for us, pleeeeeeeeeease :D
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