June 15, 2008
Third Eye Meditation Workshop
News from Mayon Volcano While bumping into 2 of my UP Mountaineers batch mates JR and Nan, I was told that they just came down from Mayon Volcano, providing mountaineering support to Gina Lopez and her friends, one of whom was a certain Michele Goeldie who runs a meditation workshop. Meditation workshop? Hmmm...since the Amma gathering, I haven't been to one. Besides, I wanted to connect with the meditation/yoga communities we have in the country.
Vital Switch I touched base with Michele, and after a few more email exchanges, I found myself here at the MWSS guest house perched on the edge of the water reservoir in Eco Park (La Mesa Dam) to attend a meditation workshop conducted by Samantha Keen, an Australian who founded Vital Switch, a company providing vitality exercises based on the principles of self-awareness.
Clairvision School We were a small group, most of whom already knew each other from the local Clairvision School. The school was founded in 1987 in Australia by Dr. Samuel Sagan. Clairvision is a school of meditation, offering it's unique approach to alternative therapy. Samantha was also a student of Clairvision before founding Vital Switch.
Third Eye, the Second Time Around At the outset, it was made clear that the whole day workshop will be focused on third eye exercises. While I have already read the Third Eye Clairvision book, this was the first time I heard that this workshop is a third eye opener. I welcomed that. Knowledge gained from the book and a workshop conducted by a learned practitioner is probably what I need.
Breathing Technique We started off doing the throat friction breathing while being mindful of the vibration that resonates from it. Imagine doing a Darth Vader breathing sound. This manner of breathing is supposed to activate the ethereal energy (prana, chi...it goes by many names) and promote third eye awakening. The rest of the day progressed with more throat friction breathing with the mindfulness increasing in scope to include the third eye, the heart and the belly.
Striking Out While some participants experienced ethereal flow and colors, I couldn't go beyond the physical sensation of mindful breathing. At times it was a challenge to stay focused. On the lying down meditation, I actually dozed off. It was frustrating, but I didn't want to try 'too hard' as that would only exacerbate my frustration. I was beginning to wonder what my blockages may be.
ISIS I asked Samantha how long it normally takes to feel something different while on regular practice. Not surprisingly, the answer was it depends from one individual to another - instantaneous, weeks, months and even years. She added that one way to speed things up is to undergo the ISIS (Inner Space Interactive Sourcing) - a past life therapy technique, and a cornerstone of third eye awakening. This was corroborated by fellow participants who have done ISIS themselves.
Ending Thoughts
There are many means available to help people in pursuit of self realization. There's yoga, the devotion-to-guru approach, yes, even Burning Man. Given the number of people who have benefitted from the Clairvision School and Vital Switch, through its methodology on third eye awakening, I don't discount the viability of enhancing the quality of life by adopting its programs and system. Different strokes for different folks, but unless you try it out, you wouldn't know what you missed. So, is this the right system for you? Only one way to find out.
Samantha Keen will be in the Philippines until June 24 to conduct a 5-day ISIS session. For particulars, email Samantha: samantha@vitalswitch.com
--- TheLoneRider
Gary Gundayao (September 23, 2008) im one of your readers about your article `awakening the third eye`
honeslty im amazed and as well curious, if you dont mind.. can you give me some simple steps on how to awaken my third eye. I just want to prove something about myself. I dont believe in ghost or orbs, auras and etc. i know that it could be dangerous but can rather be courageous. looking forward to your answer, thanks.
Elsie (June 18, 2008) Your Third Eye Meditation Workshop topic made me curious, I have been wondering since I was small if I have the ability to open my third eye or not, not that I see things but I have been exposed to people who are into this kind of things and they have been teaching me and letting me read books about astral meditation etc. Though I never had the guts to develop it. I am still curious about these things though. Still wondering if I have it in me, hehehe...
Samantha Keen (June 16, 2008) that is really GREAT. thank you
good to meet you (LoneRider)
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