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fab people

Dennis LopezMay 31, 2007

Working Class Fab People

Fab People
Fab People (as in Fabulous People) are usually bigger than life and blow your socks off. The last time I featured Fab People was in Oct of last year. Why not often enough? Fab People simply don't happen everyday. If and when they do, it's cause for inspiration; but some thin-out and do uncool things Fab people don't do...which render them.....un-Fab. Yes, the real ones are the elusive kind; like diamond-in-the-ruff (like Aklay or Chris). Otherwise, they are simply inaccessible or unattainable (like Shifu Shi Yan Ming or John Stamstad).

Working Class
Green Day performed John Lennon's Working Class Hero at the American Idol finalé (yes, this Nat Geo/Discovery Channel aficionado is also an American Idol fan). That got me thinking. How about a working class Fab People who puts his pants on one leg at a time, like we all do? Someone who's got remarkable qualities that set them apart and at the same time cause people to revolve around them, but who's just next-door?

Dennis Lopez
One guy comes to mind. I'm actually reluctant to put him on a spot, also because I hang-out with him. But hey, Fab is Fab, so I'll just let it rip. Dennis Lopez - UP Mountaineers member, adventure racer, and an omnipresent character to any outdoor activity (like garlic on a sauté).

Why is he Fab? Let me count the ways. UP Mountaineers is batch-centric. Osmosis between batches isn't as fluid as it can be. But he transcends that, always involving himself with the new batch and the batches that came before. Everyone knows him, and he knows everyone. That alone says a lot. Unlike some podium-finishers on adventure races who throw their weight around like adrenaline-nobility, he's always a top ranker but remains approachable and contrary to the genre, even understated. In the world of mountaineering, he's very knowledgeable and experienced, but he doesn't hoard that (in the tradition of a true mountaineer). If you want to learn, he's there for the taking. He's earned bragging rights but you don't hear him say, "I kick ass". He keeps an open smile as if to say, "I don't bite". He actually reminds me of my Patricia-episode about the man with a radiant smile. He likes to be with people and people like to be with him.

Ending Thoughts
Why look afar when someone Fab could be right under your nose: everyday Fab People you rub elbows with but you don't notice 'coz they don't beg attention to themselves. They don't come on gang-busters but they grow on you.

Okay, he's probably blushing by now but let's not stop here. If credit is due, let's give it. If you know Dennis and you can say a few things why he's Fab, let's hear it (and really make him blush!). Email me:

--- TheLoneRider

Reader Comments:

Mark AnthonyMark Anthony R. Samson
(15 Jun 2007) The org needs more guys like Dennis around. Kay Dennis, mapapa-WOOHOO ka talaga!

FerchFerch G. Santos
(14 Jun 2007) Si Densho mahusay na tao...that's why everyone loves hanging around with him...

Grace BaesGrace Baes
(12 Jun 2007) Thanks for posting the Dennis Lopez write-up. I love Dennis! Can I comment? Dayknees Lowpeace was my batchmate and neighbor in UP. He is not only a fab outdoors person, he's also the fab kind of friend that sneaks with you backstage to stalk rockstars and goes shoe-shopping with you when you get your heart broken. He's like all of the fab 5 in 1... Except that he's not that queer, and he likes bikes. Thanks!

FreddFredd Ochavo
(7 Jun 2007) ...wag tayong maniwala kay Densho na la-chamba siya. Mahusay talaga siya. Idol!

(7 Jun 2007) I enjoy writings from your website by the way. Working Class Fab People; another good piece of work.

InaIna Ocampo
(Jun 7, 2007) tara! lets start a fanbase for dennis! hehehe nakita mo na ba ung f4 pic nila nung apps party last year? wala lang

SallySally Cabral
(Jun 7, 2007) wow! nice article. dennis, you a fab! hehehehe chicks ka dyan! isusumbong kita hahaha

DennisDennis Lopez
(Jun 6, 2007) My ego is inflating like crazy! Does it follow that chicks will be going my way too? bwaahahaha. Thanks for the write-up. Pero yung sa races, tsamba lang yun. nyahahaha!

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