Ka-meaning-an Revisited

TheLoneRider.com Thursday March 6, 2025 EST 
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lucid thoughts

Ka-meaning-an RevisitedApril 26, 2007

Ka-meaning-an Revisited

Definition: Ka-meaning-an - a spartan lifestyle choice towards a meaningful existence

Less is More
I have a fairly good idea of what I want out of life, and of the things I can do without. Take money for instance. I used to chase it, working unholy hours to make the dough. Now, it doesn't weigh heavy anymore apart from putting food on the table. Less is more...I've said that so many times and I continue to maintain it. Since I've curtailed my needs to bare-bone levels, I'm able to work only when I want to. The priority is having the freeedom to do what I want to do, go where I want to go and do what I want to do. Some call it hedonism. I just calling it living life in its full spectrum.

Lately, I've been invited to climb Mt. Ugu and I got another invite to climb Mt. Pulag. I'm not one to say 'no' to those, but I looked into my finances and realized I'm so close to hitting skid-row. I'll be broke in 45 days! I had to reluctantly decline...argh! No money is not a problem. I like feeling my edge that way. The operative issue is, NOT GETTING TO CLIMB for whatever reason. Climbing is one of the stuff I live for. Not being able to join for lack of funds is not ka-meaning-an anymore. It's deprivation. So far, I'd been working only if I WANT TO. Now, I'll go working because I HAVE TO. Hey, it's all good! I don't have to go back to an 8 - 5....just enough to be on Mt. Ugu's summit.

--- TheLoneRider

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