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white water rafting

Bontoc in the morning September 21, 2006 Thursday

Braving the Tocucan Waters with Peter Loebach - Day 2

(see previous day)

The first order of the day was breakfast. Our tummies were grumbling...since last night! Pete and Pam attended to their personal chores for the day. Sig, Steve and myself, picked up the flat tire from the police precinct and rolled it to the vulcanizing shop.

Tire Write-Off
It wasn't just a nail puncture. It was a sharp rock puncture that tore from the side wall to the shoulder area. It was a newly purchased P5000 tire that was now a complete write-off. As a back-up tire, a massive inner tube patch was glued to its underside and a new inner tube was put in place to keep the tire usable, just in case another flat happens between Anabel and Sagada.

Ride back to Anabel
Sig took the next jeep back to Sagada while Steve and I hired a jeep to take us and the tire to the truck in Anabel. The landslide had been cleared. With a bike pump, we pumped the reserve tire and headed back to Sagada. The trip, thankfully, was uneventful. Our troubles were finally over...yes!!!

Ending Thoughts
Whoa!!! It was the best and the worst and everything in between. The water was wickedly fun, the sun was shining at the outset, and then everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong. Everyone held their own and did what they could to help the situation - no hysterics, no panic. What a team! With 20/20 hindsight, we should have bailed out in Tocucan - then the entire trip would have been all the goodies without the nasties. But hey, it all made for a good story. We know better next time.

--- TheLoneRider

    Special Thanks to:

  • Steve Rogers for taking us mortals out for another fun raft
  • Pete Loebach for his consumate guidemanship and bringing us back in one piece
  • the Bontoc PNP who went beyond the call of duty in helping us out. You guys ROCK!!!
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Rafting Blogs by TheLoneRider

Reader Comments:

Peter LoebachPeter Loebach
(Sep 26, 2006) was a nice time. Had a blast, hopefully see you in the future.

Pam MeierdingPam Meierding
(Sep 23, 2006) Loved the story!

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