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chilling out

GRIP Acquaintance Party March 4, 2006 Saturday

GRIP Acquaintance Party

I was a full-on GRIP member doing the regular climbs at Power Up and participating in novice comps, but other undertakings took my focus off the org and to rock climbing as well. An entire batch of applicants have since become members without me getting to meet them. So it is with a dash of guilt that I attended the acquaintance party. I looked forward to seeing my batchmates again, meeting the applicants-turned-members, and the new batch of applicants who threw this party.

Alive and Healthy
When the senior members graduated, our newly inducted batch was left holding the bag. Tal, a persevering member, and Dyosa, our batch head, guided us through the process of resuscitating life back into an ailing org. Thanks to all those hard work, the org is now alive and kicking. Todate, they've kept a roster of projects to their credit:

  • GRIP Open Speed Climbing Comp (Feb. 06)
  • Flash Pump Fest (Feb. 06)
  • Intercollegiate Rock Climbing Comp (Dec. 05)
  • Dare IV Bouldering Comp (Dec. 05)
  • Climbing Comp during the CHK week (Sept. 05)
  • Jingle Bell Rock (05)

Party Scene
Old members, Igan and Thea were there. Power UP peeps Jen and Bo graced the occasion. Other friends of GRIP also showed up. There was a video presentation, food, booze and a swimming pool...all this happening at the penthouse of a high rise. I am pleasantly reminded of a different org culture. Orgs are pretty much like people...each has its own distinct personality.

Ending Thoughts
I'm really happy for GRIP. With new blood, vibrant members and able leadership, its future is bright and promising.

--- TheLoneRider

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