Villia Jefremovas in Sagada Friday March 28, 2025 EDT 
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food odyssey

Dinner at Villia'sJune 2, 2006 Friday

Dinner at Villia's

Chill Zone
Villia's place is a chill-out zone. Friends stop by, help out in whatever capacity, eat, drink coffee, listen to music and chat. Everyone who's there is good-people...otherwise they probably won't make it past the gate. The vibe is totally cool, not in small measure to Villia herself.

main course

Dinner....just because
Every now and then, she invites people for dinner...just because. Usually, people stop by during the day, chill and help out, and go home to freshen up for dinner.

As casual as it sounds, make no mistake about it - Villia's dinner is always a show-stopper. The global repertoire of international dishes is reminiscent of the UN General Assembly. People from Baguio come up for it. Heck, Mimsy came all the way from Manila for it (and I thought it had something to do with me...sigh!).


Ending Thoughts
As a latest addition to Villia's melange of friends, I feel privileged to find myself with such good company. I'm also glad Mimsy is enjoying herself. It's a new and unexpected scene for both of us. It's been only a week since our arrival and we've been enjoined to hike Marlboro Country, invited to dinner at people's homes, met friends of friends, with more things lined up in the days to come.'s a pleasant sensory overload. Sagada seems too good to be true.

Thank you, Villia...for the glorious food and the great company.

--- TheLoneRider

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