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Hike from Aguid June 3, 2006

Hike from Aguid

Full House
I biked all the way to Aguid last year, but that's where the road ended and that's as far as I went before heading back. With this hike however, we took a jeep all the way to Aguid and began the hike from there. It's like a continuation of last year's. We came out in full force - about 13, with Villia Jefremovas spearheading the hike. The Baguio crowd was there.

The Hike
Upon disembarking from Aguid, we went through the village's narrow paths until we came upon the foot trails of the rice paddies. What greeted us was an open expanse that stretched from horizon to horizon. It was single-file as we marveled at the awesome sight that greeeted us every step of the way. We continued hiking up and down to what seemed like a never ending trail across the varying landscape. Time didn't seem to exist. The scenery consumed us.

Chow Time
Upon finding a flat shaded area, we stopped for lunch...Villia-style - pizza with all the works, pecorino romano cheese, whole wheat bread, etc. Considering it was just a hike, we feasted on haute cuisine! It was hard to move after that.

Hard Core Bikers
After chilling out, we started our way back. The jeep was waiting but Siegrid, Rachel and Padma dared the bike back to Poblacion, as they did in about being hard core.

Ending Thoughts
I can't help justapose the 2 seemingly disparate lifestyle. In Manila, what equates to a leisurely recreation is going to the airconditioned malls, shopping around, snacking on junk food and watching a movie. Upon arriving home, you watch tv. Here in Sagada, whiling away the time is taking a hike into the forest, or the terraces. If its mushroom season, you pick some along the way and treat yourself to a wild mushroom meal. Life is divinely simple here. Even without the high-tech offering of a big city, no one's missing out here.

--- TheLoneRider

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