Creamy Chicken Dish Recipe Saturday March 1, 2025 EST 
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Food Odyssey Recipes

Chicken Cream DishAugust 11, 2006 Friday

Creamy Chicken Dish

It's Friday once again, time for my cooking lesson with Chef Aklay. Like the last time, he asked me to bring chicken, so I brought 1 kilo. With what he already lined up on his kitchen, we had the following:
  • half kilo of bacon, cut into cubes
  • 1 kilo of chicken, cut into serving pieces
  • toss flour and mix together
  • half kilo of wild mushroom
  • 1 kilo of carrots
  • 1 onions
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • bay leaf
  • 2 whole chilis cut into big chunks
  • pepper
  • 1 liter of water
  • caulif flower
  • brocolli
  • salt
His intructions were as follows (just in case you feel like making this yourself):
  1. toss the bacon into the pan and put it in low heat for it to oil up. If there's not enough oil, put a little more
  2. toss in the chicken at high(?) heat until it browns and the bottom of the pan caramelizes
  3. toss in the flour to coat the chicken (if you do this when there's already water, the flour won't dissolve)
  4. toss in the mushroom, carrots, onions, garlic, bay leaf, chili, pepper. Mix together and let stay for about 2 minutes
  5. pour water and wait until it boils and turn to lowest heat, covering the pan. Simmer for 15 minutes
  6. toss in the cauliff flower
  7. after 10 minutes, toss in the brocolli
  8. after 5 minutes, pour half of the cream (?) and mix. Turn off heat before it starts to boil. It's ready
This dish is very similar to the one we did before, except that this one is a creamy soup (the last one just fried and sauteed). The chili made a lot of difference. It wasn't bad. Aklay said it tasted the same as though he cooked it himself (he doesn't always say this, so I take comfort it's true).

--- TheLoneRider

    Chef Aklay Tips:
  • if you have leftover soup and want to add pork to recycle, fry the pork and slice it thinly. Boil the soup and toss in the pork and mix. When small bubbles on the edge of the pan start appearing (read: before it boils), turn the heat off and let it stay there for 5 more minutes (it continues to cook even though the heat is off). If you wait 'til it boils, you'll now have to boil the whole thing for 1.5 hours because the pork will toughen.
    Caveat: Make sure you finish this meal, because the following day, it will spoil already.
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