Seafood Dinner at Steven Rogers Friday March 28, 2025 EDT 
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food odyssey

Steven RogersAugust 13, 2006 Sunday

Seafood Dinner at Steven Rogers'

If there's anyone who scores heavy on dinner invites, Steve Rogers wins out, hands down. He hosts dinners, just because. You'd think hosting is! Unlike life in Manila, there are no maids in Sagada. You do the whole thing - marketing, prepping, cooking, serving and then there's the dishes. Steve likes serving seafood - that's makes it more complicated...but ohhhhh, what a treat!

seafood dinner

What can I say? Steve outdoes himself with every hosting. Pad Thai in Sagada? Never crossed my mind. The crab meat soup was a killer...dunno how many 'discreet' servings I helped myself to. Mouth-watering shrimp/squid with veggie serving with just the right amount of heat...impeccable!

Steve, you da man!!!

--- TheLoneRider

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