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DaragaMar 24, 2009

Cagsawa Ruins of Daraga

Even as a grade schooler, I've seen this famous picture of the Cagsawa ruins with the magnificent Mayon Volcano in the backdrop. Since I was already in Legazpi, I took the short jeep ride to Daraga to put myself within the frame of this famous picture.

During Mayon Volcano's eruption of Feb 1, 1814, around 1200 villagers from Cagsawa took refuge in the church hoping divine intervention will keep them from harm's way. It didn't happen. The church was buried deep in lava and all the villagers with it (think Pompei). Only the belfry was spared.

Despite its tragic past, this place is far from being a memorial. There are boutiques selling handicrafts, t-shirts and for-a-fee photographers with their creative ideas.

Lingering Thoughts
The only surviving reminder of this grim cataclysm is the muted stoicism of the belfry. It continues to stand resilient against the colossal presence of the ever looming Mayon Volcano. Centuries from now, history repeats itself.

--- TheLoneRider

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Reader Comments:

"...muted stoicism of the belfry"
(Jul 31, 2009) ... with mayon active nowadays, stoic might be hard to pull : )

Dennis Manonog
(Jul 30, 2009) How can I forget these ruins and its nemesis? Since my elementary years, I've read about it in my school book, got so curious about beauty and destruction but never had a chance in my adulthood to visit it *sigh*. I only had a long distance peek of Mt. Mayon - during a plane ride going south and on a side trip to Mt. Isarog (with the now defunct Club Adventure Philippines).

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Daraga Cafe

528 Ilawod Cafe, Daraga
528 Ilawod Cafe
good ideas start with great coffee
Daraga, Bicol

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