Invisible World Friday March 28, 2025 EDT 
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lucid thoughts

Invisible WorldJan 10, 2008

Invisible World

I've always been fascinated by the things invisible to me. There are many and they are invisible either because they are too fast, too slow, too big, too small, etc.

  • too fast - a speeding bullet
  • too slow - the changing of the seasons, the freezing of water
  • too big - the universe at large
  • too small - atoms, molecules, virus

Like the reason that prompted me to create the "Random Lives" section, I became cognizant of another type of invisible world...while on a hike.

Harsh Judgement
Many times, in my mind, I judge harshly and quite hastily without giving the other guy the benefit of the doubt. Of course, I judge based entirely on what's visible to me. Experience taught me that the invisible world is far broader than what I see. Let me explain.

Slow Climber
While on a climb many moons ago, someone climbing with us was unusually slow and weighed down the group somehow. My instant mind judgement? This person didn't prepare physically for the climb...didn't workout enough or hard enough. It was all I could see. And it was the impression that lingered with me.

Camp Hike
I recently tagged along (I wasn't invited) a group on a camp hike. They were moving too fast and I couldn't catch up. It was a very cold morning and the ridge was draped by fog. I couldn't see them anymore. Fearing getting lost, I texted someone from the group that I was turning back while I could still retrace my steps. I didn't want them to slow down for me. Of course the spectre of "Mr. Survivor bailing" occurred to me. However, it paled in comparison to getting lost over some machismo arrogance. The thought of the mountaineers who drowned on Pundaquit also came to mind. The group I left behind got the impression it was weakness on my part....and hinted so in so many veiled ways. Sure, I don't blame them. That's what they saw. Nonetheless, I wasn't fazed. The campsite will always be there. I can always make another attempt, next time prepared for an occular (instead of camping out) - lighter pack with navigational equipment, etc.

My Invisible World
I was thinking of a few things they didn't know or perhaps didn't care to acknowledge:

  • that I was carrying the heaviest pack of them all (I was self-contained - cookset, stove, tent, chair, trekking poles, etc.)
  • that I brought food for nearly all (as I was just piggy backing on their trek and wanted to be thankful)
  • that I hiked with that load for a good distance on the road while others took the jeep
  • that I bailed not because I couldn't carry my load anymore, but that I couldn't keep up with their pace and I now run the risk of getting lost if the trail forked (as it already did twice).

A Thought Bubble
I didn't bother to explain (unless confronted), but I realized my thought bubble was the invisible world they didn't see....not unlike the way I judged that climbing buddy many moons ago...a bitter doze of my own medicine.

Now I begin to wonder. I take back that judgement (not that I even qualify to pass judgement on anyone for that matter!) and ponder on his invisible world. Perhaps he was carrying a lot of common equipment? a hammock, booze for everyone, more gear to prepare a kick-ass meal for all? Perhaps he even helped carry someone else's load. I can speculate indefinitely. Now I feel small for being too judgmental...even if it only happened in my mind.

Ending Thoughts
Next time I feel like harshly criticizing anyone for anything, I'll catch myself and ask what lies in his world that remains invisible to me. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt...maybe even see if I can assist.

--- TheLoneRider

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Reader Comments:

"Next time I feel like harshly criticizing anyone for anything, I'll catch myself and ask what lies in his world that remains invisible to me. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt...maybe even see if I can assist."
(Jan 13, 2009) Gusto ko 'to. :) I should ingrain this in my own head

(Jan 11, 2009) Ok lang yan. Gusto kitang palakpakan at yakapin!

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