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Hike to PolicacaoSeptember 23, 2007

Hike to Policacao

Short Walk
As I was savoring my buffet dinner last night at Log Cabin (a weekly indulgence I don't miss), Aklay (the french chef) invites me to join him for a 'short walk', first thing the following day.

Anything that comes out of Aklay has to be taken with a grain of salt. With him, a 'short walk' is indeed a short walk, like half a day, but it's not necessarily easy. It could be anything from bushwhacking our way into thick thorny brush or something like traversing a rock face with no rope. I've had enough experience with him to tailor-fit my expectation towards the edgier kind of walking.

It's all good, I haven't had a hike in months and it's a ideal activity to transition myself back into my usual Sagada routine. Aklay was the perfect guy to be with for that.

Wet, Muddy and Slippery
Given the heavy rains the day before, the hike promised to be wet, muddy and slippery - still not a deterrent to a Sagada hike. He took me on to a new trail system, part of which was rideable by mountain bike. One thing I appreciate about Aklay is that he never tires of exploring, usually by himself. He comes back with 'discoveries' on ideal bike trails which we all try out at some point. His version of 'rideable' could mean portaging the bike half the time.

Trail Condition
True to expectation, the trail was muddy and extremely slippery. Even with my hiking boots and a walking stick, I was slipping all over the place...more so for him since he was barefoot. Additionally, with the rainy season, the brushes were particularly thick. Blazing through them left us with cuts and scrapes. Particularly challenging was finding out way through a valley by going up and down through rice paddies. There was no clear trail and we had to backtrack a few times, asking directions whenever there's someone.

Ending Thoughts
We came out of the village of Madongo where it was paved road 'til we reached Poblacion. Feeling itchy all over, hot and dying for a shower, I knew I was back.

--- TheLoneRider

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Reader Comments:

UP Mountaineers Environmental CommitteeUP Mountaineers Environmental Committee
(Sep 29, 2007) I can see that you're able to have your camera fixed...Nice shots on your blog page! ang saya naman nung "walk" niyo

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