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Chicken Chasseur October 31, 2007

Chicken Chasseur (Poulet Sauté Chasseur)

I've always eaten at Aklay's place. I thought I'd whip up dinner chez moi and invite him. Of course, I wanted to show off too that I can cook...following a French recipe. To be on the safe side, I chose an easy one - chicken chasseur. Chasseur is often referred to as hunter's sauce - a brown sauce, usually containing mushrooms, tomatoes, shallots, white wine, etc. When I showed him the recipe book and asked him what he thought of it, he scanned a few pages and forced a pseudo-concealed giggle. Of course! He's Aklay...DA MAN!

  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1K chicken, cut up in serving pieces
  • 1 tbsp olive oil (I used regular cooking oil, no olive oil)
  • 3 small onions
  • 6 oz mushrooms (I used canned)
  • 4 tbsp dry white wine
  • 1/2 cup chicken stock (I used Knorr...sorry!)
  • 3/4 lb tomatoes, peeled and seeded
  • salt and pepper
  • parsley to garnish

Cooking Process
Put flour, salt and pepper in a bag, mix and put chicken inside to coat, one piece at a time. Heat pan with oil and brown chicken, turning only once. Remove and keep warm. Drain oil but leave 1 tbsp and sauté mushroom, garlic and onions until golden, stirring frequently. Add chicken to pan, with juices too, add wine and boil. Then stir in stock and tomatoes until it boils again. Reduce heat and cover for 25 minutes. Skim excess fat and sesaon before serving.

It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. In fact, it was too ordinary, it was boring. Hmmm...I wonder how this dish would have turned out in the hands of a competent chef. Aklay was too polite to trash it. He simply said, "Sorry, I don't know how this tastes in France, so I can't comment.".

--- TheLoneRider

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