March 12, 2007
Back to Yoga
A Lifestyle Choice I casually talk about yoga like I religiously practise it. Well, yoga has been a part of my lifestyle for years now, but I can't really say I practise it as much as I should or like to. There are compelling moods though that warrant its practice...and I'm grateful there's yoga to fall back to. There are moments when my bearings are lost...or I'm uncertain about a few things...or simply need to be spiritually grounded. Like a junkie in search of his fix, I seek out my yoga mat,
clean my space and start doing my asanas and pranayamas.
A Cleansing Process While
holding on to a pose with deep breathing, I am able to put a halt to the monkey mind and step back, see a bigger picture and my place in it. In a sense, yoga puts back perspective when things get blurry. Coming out of the session leaves me unwound, calm, collected and energized...ready to take on the challenges for the day.
Ending Thoughts While others find solace in a bottle, syringe, or pipe, I'm glad I have yoga. It's as free as the air, takes me to a higher high with no crash landing (yeah, try that on "E"), improves my immune system (I very rarely get sick), makes me feel good about me in particular and life in general (work hard, play hard and live hard), and last but not least, it makes me fit...enough to scale mountains (on foot or on a bike), bomb down downhill runs on a mountain bike, top-rope a rock face...well, you get the drift. With yoga, I'm always close to 100%.
--- TheLoneRider
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