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Bean Sprout Chicken December 21, 2007

Bean Sprout Chicken with Basil

Chicken is almost an infinitely versatile ingredient that even within a limited cooking style (eg browning it and tossing garlic and onions), the cooking variations are endless. Here's another version.

  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 1 onion
  • 3 heads garlic (1 bulb, not 1 clove)
  • 2 carrots
  • bay leaf
  • 1 whole chicken
  • salt and pepper
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1k potatoes
  • 2 packs bean sprouts
  • 1 cup basil leaves

Cut up chicken in serving pieces. Chop garlic, onions and carrots. Cover potatoes in salted water and boil for 15 minutes until almost cooked. Drain and cut length-wise. Shred basil leaves

Cooking Process
Heat olive oil and butter in pan on medium high heat. When butter sings, toss the garlic, onions, bay leaf and carrots until brown. Add chicken, salt and pepper and toss to coat. Add water and cover, turn heat to high until water boils. Turn to low heat for 20 minutes. Add potatoes and toss. Check to see water level. If the water level is too high, turn heat on high without cover for the next 5 minutes. If water level is already low, keep the pan covered on low heat for the next 5 minutes. The point is, you want the water to evaporate and leave only the oily gooey stuff when the chicken cooks. Careful not to make the dish dry! Turn heat off. Add bean sprouts and basil. Toss to coat. You're done.

The basil thrown-in as a finishing, released it's bouquet that simply added to the gastronomic foreplay. The bean sprouts remained crunchy (because it wasn't cooked) and added texture to the dish. The carrots added a colorful accent and flavor. Overall, it's another excellent variation to the 'browned chicken' recipe we'd been doing.

--- TheLoneRider

    Aklay Tips:
  • the potatoes were cooked separately to ensure it's cooked fully before being tossed into the dish. The potatoes should be covered in salted water when it's boiled.
  • the key here is really knowing the cooking times for the ingredients so they all cook at the same time
  • another key point is knowing which ingredients DO NOT require cooking
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Reader Comments:

(Nov. 10, 2008) Hello, found your webpage. Thanks for the recipes you've posted. I'm dying to try each. Actually, I planned to try the chicken with bean sprouts tomorrow so I went to Landmark for the finest bean sprouts. Unfortunately, they don't have it Mondays. I'll cook it next time. :)

Samuel Silla
(4 Mar 2008) I used your Bean Sprout Chicken recipe last week and it was a hit. My wife really likes it, except that my chicken did get that brown, aside from that it was good.

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