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chilling out

Jamming in Sagada September 17, 2006 Sunday

Jamming in Sagada

Ricky and Mel Ganiere
Every once in a while, a few tourists drift into Sagada and bless this enchanted place with their awesome talent. Such was the case with this newly married couple, Ricky and Mel. I bumped into them at Log Cabin for the Saturday buffet. Our conversation led us to his band in Milwaukee, The Buskers. After that, it was just a chill conversation into the night amongst the diners, most of whom were residents and already knew each other. I came away thinking Ricky and Mel were such a cool couple and left it at that, thinking I wouldn't see them again.

Jamming at Steve Roger's
Steve texts me the following night inviting me to his place where Ricky, himself and some local guys were jamming. Wow. How long has it been since I jammed with friends? That's where I also met Pinat, a local who loves his music. The fireplace provided warmth while music played and wine was poured.

Moving on to Persimmon Café
The venue later moved to Persimmon Café, where more tourists and locals were gathering. Pinat and Ricky took turns on the guitar as each played the classics, the blues and their very own. It was a lot of fun hearing these 2 guys get a kick doing what they enjoy doing - play music. The atmosphere they created was chill and it wasn't long until people loosened up and talked to each other between tables...well, that's what it's all about anyway.

Ending Thoughts
This evening doesn't happen everyday in Sagada, although I wish it does. This throws me back to the early days of Sagada when I first started visiting the place. There was no electricity, the roads were rough and houses were still made of nipa. The only hang-out place then was a small Igorot hut, the Moon House. All the tourists would chill there, gather around the fireplace, talk about their travels and take turns playing whatever cassette tape they had (no mp3s or dvds then). I remember hearing a beat that just blew me away. I asked the guy what genre is was. He said "reggae". Yes, Sagada is where I first heard reggae. Fast forward to present day, the magic happens all over it always has.

--- TheLoneRider

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Reader Comments:

(22 Sep 2006) just wanna thank you for posting our picture at the persimmon café. sagada was breathtaking....hope to be back there soon! see you around sagada. your site is cool! keep it up!

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