Steve and Ging's Birthday Bash Friday March 28, 2025 EDT 
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Food Odyssey

Steve and Ging's Birthday BashOctober 1, 2006 Sunday

Steve and Ging's Birthday Bash

After having a great ride earlier, a sumptuous birthday dinner prepared by Sagada's Chef Aklay comes next. It's Steve's and Ging's birthday. It was supposed to be a surprise for Ging. Well, he surprised us by being at his surprise-dinner ahead of us. It was a small intimate dinner attended to by friends in Villa's finely-appointed house (sans Villa).

Birthday Dinner by Chef Aklay

The Works
Epicurean dinner, retro-80's music by Padma, leisurely conversation with people you're comfortable with, laid-back chill ambiance....what more can you ask for?

Happy Birthday Steve and Ging !!!! Again, thank you for having me there.

--- TheLoneRider

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