October 21, 2006 Saturday
Sauerkraut with Etag
Surprise! I was resigned to another roast pork dinner at Log Cabin's Saturday night buffet and voila, no roast pork. Chef Aklay surprised everyone by preparing sauerkraut with etag (Sagada ham), home-smoked bacon and sausages.
Boiled baby potatoes came with it together with the usual buffet offerings.

Dessert The
bitter chocolate cake laced with oranges was another highlight. The subtle hint of orange was just right to add that added dimension without overpowering. The individual chocolate-dipped cookie placed on top of the cake was a fitting crown.
High Season With this weekend starting the 3-week high season in Sagada, the place was packed with some lucky transients, some of whom had no idea what kind of culinary delight they were about to experience. I say lucky because a good number of tourists are not aware of Sagada's Log Cabin Saturday dinner buffet. This gastronomic indulgence is just as imperative as a caving itinerary.
Ending Thoughts As usual, all the individual meals could have been excellent stand-alones. But what makes it even better is that taken as a collective whole, they mesh so well together it's like piecing together parts of a jigsaw to make a complete whole. It takes experience and many years of kitchen know-how to pull something like this.
--- TheLoneRider
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